Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Hunting is for boys" they said...

Whoever said hunting was just for boys was wrong. Since I was 7 years old I have gone hunting with my dad and all my uncles. Of course when I was 7 I didn't carry a gun I just walked along side him. My dad and I go to bond with each other, and he has taught me every thing I know about hunting. Even if that meant retaking gun safety just so he could go with me to help me out in the class. Since I started going hunting everyone always looked at me weird and would say "YOU go hunting?!" I would just smile back with a yes. Whenever the "Bambi" reference would come up, I would ignore it and say it was just a movie and that overall it is just a way of life. This past year was the year I had shot my first year, with my dad at my side I was able to overcome one of the greatest achievements I have ever done in my life. I have and will always hear the stereotype that woman shouldn't be able to hunt because it's a "manly" thing to do, and when I go I don't need to be afraid to get down and dirty and wake up at 4 in the morning just to get all dressed up with makeup on. It's the one time of year when I can relax and be myself without anyone judging me on what I enjoy to do. Just because I enjoy it doesn't mean that I am not a woman, all year long if you would  ask me what my favorite color would be, it's pink! But when hunting season comes around I'd tell you my favorite color is blaze orange. I will always love to hunt, and it will always be my favorite thing to do, no one will tell me to stop because I am a woman.


  1. Couldn't agree more! I was raised in a very outdoor-sy household from day one; hunting with my dad practically since I could walk. I know how much of a lifestyle this is for people and how it is definitely more than just a hobby. As girls, we are just as powerful and capable as a man behind a gun when it comes to hunting game especially! Couldn't be more proud to be one of those girls! :)

  2. I agree with your post. I have been hunting my entire life and there isn't many places I would rather be than in a duck blind or a deer stand. I think its really cool when I meet a woman that hunts.

  3. I have an aunt that hunts, her deer antlers go right up on the wall next to my uncles. Whoever said women can't hunt obviously haven't see the antlers she's gotten. They're bigger than my uncles.

  4. I have hunted the past couple of years and I know a lot of women who hunt as well. My Dad has taught me so much and is already starting in on my younger sister. Its also a great way to bond with him. It is a stereo type that women who hunt are less womanly but I love proving stereo types wrong. I always love the people you catch off guard when they first find out I hunt. It makes for some great conversations.

  5. I love this. I, myself, am a hunter as well. I grew up with it as a tradition in my family, something that both the girls and guys did. Glad to see that there are a lot of other females out there proud to be hunters, too!

  6. couldn't agree more with your comments everyone, thank you! :)

  7. Jenna, I remember getting a text from you when you shot your first dear, I have never been prouder of you! People think that men do the hunting while women stay in the kitchens and cook what the men bring home. I know many great female hunters who are by far better at it then men! Keep up the good work and bring back some Venison!

  8. I am not a hunter but find it very empowering when woman step out of these roles society has formed. Plus I know women you have stronger relationship because they can share in a common passion, like hunting.

  9. I really enjoyed this! I'm from a small town and pretty much everyone I know hunts, even girls. You made good points and I'm glad you are not afraid to show that you are a hunter!
