Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Where are we really from?

Nikki Schmidt, Justin Lewis, and Grace Hume

My group and I went around the CSU asking for students opinions on our backgrounds, just from the look of us. The top picture is the students assumption of where we come from, the bottom picture is where we are actually from. This just goes to show that looks can be deceiving. Many people tend to make stereotypes on their fellow students because of the way they look, present themselves or where they come from. Most of these stereotypes, are false.


  1. "Don't judge a book by it's cover"

  2. This is very interesting because it is true that most people tend to assume that someone is from a typical area based on the outside looks of that individual.

  3. This picture is awesome, it shows exactly how people stereotype people and where they come from. when really those people are completely wrong, they just assume by how you look on the outside that's where you come from. Great job you guys!

  4. This is a great idea! A lot of people do judge people by looks and think they know that persons whole life story by how they look. But in reality what most people assume about others is not right.

  5. This is very creative. I am very interested to hear your thought and feeling to be judged by your looks in this way. I think it is funny how two of you cropped yourself in, very cute.

  6. I really like the concept you captured as an image. Appearance should not matter, but it often does. As a result, it leads to negative stereotypes that confine us to standards, even if we surpass or fall behind those standards.

  7. This was very interesting to look at and I enjoyed it! It is all about judging and making assumptions things without knowing the true facts which is what people tend to do a lot.

  8. I think your guises topic was very clever, when I was in high school I had a Somali friend named Sofa everyone though that she was from Somalia because of the way she looked. The truth was that she was from Canada of all places, when she told people that nobody believed her. I just thought it was funny because people would argue with her about where she was from.
