Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Role model?

I know as a little girl, I loved to play with Barbie. She was beautiful. She had the perfect hair, eyes, clothing, skin, and overall the perfect body. Now looking back at her, she is unrealistic and I wouldn't want to be like her. Studies have shown that there is no way a women could have Barbie's body figure, and be alive. Why do we put these images of unnatural women in front of little children for them to play with, and for them to look up to? Young girls are pressured to be "perfect" by popular culture at such a young age and it is causing health risks for them. Is this necessary?  I think they should start making realistic images of women for children to play with before more problems arise.


  1. I completely agree that she creates an unrealistic standard of beauty in young girls. I think it's also miportant to note that there is such little variability in these images. Not only does she have perfect skin, but she almost always has perfect WHITE skin. I think that is another problem that should be addressed.

    Your picture looks rather professional by the way, great job!

  2. Barbie has been giving children negative images of what they should be like for years. Barbie not only gives girls an unrealistic view of what they should look like, but it also tells them how to look. In fact, the sleepover edition of Barbie came with a book called "How To Lose Weight" and instructed the users (girls) to lose weight by not eating. You are right in saying that young girls are pressured to be perfect and not only in aspects of how to look, but what to weigh.

  3. Every young girl wants to be Barbie when they are growing up. Barbie is pretty, has a boyfriend and loads of friends, has a car, a house and multiple jobs. Barbie is successful which is why young children want to be like her. This is an unrealistic dream made by the company that created Barbie. You cannot be successful by your appearance, you have to work hard and get an education to be successful! Good job!

  4. This is a good picture and a great message. I agree that we should presnt toys to children that are realistic for them to look up to. In the case of Barbie we should be teaching children that she is successful and that is what you should look up to and not her unrealistic body image.

  5. I completely agree. Barbie has been around for a very long time and the issue of her unrealistic looks still hasn't made a big enough impact where they have changed the way she is. I remember growing up, I wanted to do everything Barbie did (Vet, flight attendant, etc. ) which in reality is not a bad thing because I was striving to be successful, but I also wanted to look exactly like her. This message shouldn't be sent out to young girls any more.
