Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Put a Stop to Tears of Pain

Alexa Olson

        Why would someone ever want to use violence and think it is okay?!  Violence and abuse against females is a big issue in society.It keeps continuing more and more. What is it about women that makes them so vulnerable to violence..Make it stop! No female deserves to be put in pain or shed tears and no one has the right to do it.
       Media is a major place where violence is displayed and it is often presented as a good way to solve problems and situations. What happened to talking about problems? Why resort to violence? Violence isn't the answer!


  1. Violence should never be the answer. What satisfaction do people get from causing one pain, or physical scars? Abuse isn't something one can forget. And women who take the abuse there is always a way out, even if it seems impossible at the time.

  2. Violence against women is absolutely wrong.I totally agree with you Alexa that communication between the two is what should occur and if you cant walk away from the situation and take some time to think. I have seen to many videos within the past month of men fighting women or put their hands on them period, and it needs to stop.

  3. I have been picked on enough times by my weight and other characteristics I have. Its heart breaking to hear all those negative comments. Everyone says that you just have to walk away, sticks and stones, but its a lot harder than it sounds. Violence and abuse needs to stop!

  4. It is important to acknowledge emotional/verbal abuse too. More often than not it is the emotional/verbal abuse that happens first. I remember the saying "No man is worth your tears and the one who is won't make you cry."

  5. Violence against women has nothing to do with our supposed vulnerability, it has everything to do with masculinities and what we as a society teach men. What does it take to be a 'real man?' Power. Independence. Strong. In-control. Dominant.

    If those don't spell out violence to me, then I'm not sure what does. And while not all men are violent, most violence is committed by men. 99% of convicted rapist are male.

    I think it's high time to start focusing on what standards we teach men to have. Because violence against women didn't just come from the clouds. It comes from us.

  6. I agree with Rachel 100% i could not have said it better myself.But i would not put all the violent factors on me that only what society shows you. We have turned it in to a norm for men to be violent. We expect men to be violent. There are a growing number of violent women to. they are not in the spot light as much as men. Or it is probably because like Rachel said, society as taken on male dominace. So it is not "Manly" for there to be violence against men.

  7. There is so much in the media that effects the way men treat women! I was at my 9 year old cousins house and he was playing a video game that straight up let him punch and kill women in it! That is absolutely insane to me and I definitely think there needs to be more of a stand against domestic violence, awesome job!
