Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cyber-Bullying: It Doesn't Just Stop at Children

As technology use has increased, so has the awareness of cyber-bullying. Children are being taught in schools about cyber-bullying and how it is unacceptable. Our media has created movies and television ads on children who are cyber-bullied. But why is it always aimed at children? It is not only children who are bullied online. It can happen to adults in the work place and over social networking sites. It is good that media is creating attention to cyber-bullying among children, but they should also create the awareness of it happening among adults as well. This image of an adult male being hurt by what someone is saying through the internet, is not an image you would traditionally see, even though it does often happen. 


  1. This is a very good point. In every article I have read about cyber bullying it has been targeted to young teens and never at adults. I like that you chose to take a picture of a adult male because they are seen to be as very strong individuals.

  2. That's true how we usually view cyber bullying as something only a child would do. In actuality, it happens in all ages. People have a lot of courage to talk smack about someone behind a computer screen. ha:P

  3. I am glad that you chose to do this topic because more often than not when ask about it most people think cyber bullying is aimed only at children. Honestly, I am one of these people who thought of cyber-bullying as something most young teenagers go through. It was very interesting as well as informational to show another side of this social issue for those who have this one sided view on cyber bullying.

  4. I think this is a really good photo, I am really glad that you chose to have a man as the victim. This is a topic that needs to be paid more attention to because it is an issue in adults, not just kids.

  5. I guess I have never thought about it but it very true. They only target children and teens. Now that the internet is everywhere, and almost every age group is social networking I think it is time for that topic to be brought up. Maybe it has not been addressed before because they think that adults are mature enough not to bully or harass one another, but it is happening and ruining people's lives.

  6. This was a good issue to bring up. Not only is it showing cyber bullying but it is showing a man being bullied as well. Often times when cyber bullying is shown, it is mostly girls. I think it was a good idea to give the image of a boy being bullied and showing emotions as well.

  7. I think this was a good topic to bring up. I never really thought of this as a stereotype but now that you brought it up you made a good point. I've never really seen a male cyber bullying let alone an adult male. Good job!

  8. This is so true. I have had my own experience with cyber bullying as a teenager, and it is rough. I know adults experience it too. This just makes me think of online relationships, and how people pretend to be someone they're not. They do that only to hurt the other person, and make themselves feel good. I think that is true cyber bullying right there. Some people don't think of that when cyber bullying comes to mind.
