Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let Me Help You With That

Usually you wouldn’t see someone who looked so threatening helping another individual with their books. But the first thing you think of when you see the face of this character is where is the masculinity because it is unusual to find a someone who looks so scary, helping someone pick their materials up off the ground when they were dropped by accident. The way the media presents the horror icon Jason from the famous film Friday the Thirteenth is being a murderer. You would see the character being violent, dangerous, tough and, scary looking throughout the film most likely killing someone with no hesitation. This photo represents the total opposite of what you would expect the character to look like because of the way the media portrays this famous icon.


  1. This image relates to an encounter I had with a stranger who was wearing a mask like this once. I was in a gas station at night and a man walked in with a Jason mask and I immediately assumed he was going to rob the place. Instead he just paid for his gas and left. It was the strangest thing, but then after reading your insight on the Jason mask, it makes me wonder why I automatically assumed the man was going to rob the place!

  2. Yeah I would have thought he was going to rob the place when he walked in with a mask, I probably would've hesitated to give him service of open the cash register. But never judge a book by its cover.

  3. I like your picture. I didn't even realize the mask till after I was reading the blog and comment and looked again. I think it is very hard not too judge or jump to conclusions but we must keep trying to break these nasty habits.

  4. I think I understand what you're trying to get across. Basically, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but you're trying to convey the fact that 'real men' aren't allowed to show much else besides aggression and bravado. However, I'm not sure that Jason was the best example.

    Jason isn't seen picking up someone's books or helping a little old lady across the street for a reason. Jason is a serial killer. You could even go so far as to say that murder is his profession, if you will. Thus, the media portraying Jason as violent, dangerous, and so on, is because he is just that. He's a murderer for a horror film; his character is designed to illicit fear and excitement out of the audience. So they're not going to show a nonviolent side because he doesn't have one.
