Thursday, November 29, 2012

Media's Portrayal of the Lesbian Identity Compared to Reality

A common misconception and stereotype surrounding the physical appearance of lesbians is that they are predominantly masculine, with a more butch body type and embody principally masculine mannerisms and characteristics. Granted, there are still numerous other variations in the physical appearance of lesbians, however the strong association between masculinity and lesbians still resides. But, somehow this widely accepted and typecast idea of their identity is solely prevalent only when discussed on a minuscule scale, while the images popular culture exemplifies display a polar opposite illustration of the lesbian sexuality, appearance, and identity. But in the end, said conflicting images are disappointingly never shown together in mass media. Thus, this separation of identities presents a vital issue and conflict because the only “normal” and “accepted” idea of what it means to be a lesbian, shown to the general public, propagates their identities as overwhelmingly and crucially feminine. In reality though, both of these principal lesbian identities work together, and this partnership should be exposed, accepted, and normalized giving every differing type of lesbian the equal merit they deserve. 


  1. I think that this is a great stereotype to address! I dislike that society tends to think that they can identify lesbians or gay men by the way that they act or the way that they appear. In the media (mainly TV shows) I feel it is so common for there to be lesbian couples including one very masculine partner and one very feminine in either a gay or lesbian couple. I think this is the way of media trying to include GLBT members in the media but still keep the facade of them being a heterosexual couple because that is what we are used to seeing.

  2. Great photos on here. Good topic to bring up. I definitely understand completely where you're coming from and I think that Calli brought up a good point. It truly it just about making everyone into the stereotypical heterosexual couple even when they blatantly aren't. Hopefully this changes in media soon since more people are realizing this issue.
