Thursday, November 29, 2012

Love Should Constitute Marraige; not people nor government.

The world we live in is becoming diverse by the seconds and we are growing at such a rapid rate. Today is not the 60's, 70's, 80's, nor 90's. Ragardless of race, religion or sexual orientation giving authority to human beings to dictate any other human life is not only classism, but takes away idividualism that in which human beings cannot express their love in the "Highest Honor". Existentialism is what every human being are doing without even thinking about it. I believe that we love who we love and somehow the world has a way of revolving back to ways in which we fought before. Now it is our Human Rights to stick and fight together in that which I like to call the Human Love War.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you edited the picture to make your message by having one side black and white and using the quote of "going back to black and white." Very clever! It is also a great point on how it seems our society is focusing on issues once faced in the past like we are going backwards instead of forward in time. There have been so many minority battles, why are they still happening?
