Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dress Up: Breaking the Norms

Hannah Mohlenbrock

When my sisters and I were young we use to play a game called wedding, where one of us would be the bride and the other one would either dress like a boy and be the groom or they would be the bridesmaid and we'd pretend there was a groom. We played this game all the time, but I never once remember us playing where both of us were the bride. I think we never played like that because ten years ago you didn't hear much about same sex couples and marriage was thought of as being between a man and a woman. Now days, especially now that anyone can get married in Minnesota, I think you will find kids playing 'wedding' where there are two brides (or two grooms) and it will be "normal."

(Sailor and Summer)


  1. Great blog that challenges marriage gender roles. My only critique is that you mentioned that anyone can get married, while this is not true. The amendment wasn't to make gay marriage legal, but rather to prevent it from being defined as a man and a woman. I think many people misunderstood this, but never the less, it was definitely a step in the right direction to make it legal in the near future.

  2. At first glance, I thought this picture was only about little girls playing dress-up and was a little confused but that was not the case. I had never really thought about both girls playing the bride. When I was younger, I remember that one of us always had to be the "mom" or "bride" and someone else had to be the "dad" or "groom" and if that didn't happen it wasn't how it was "suppose" to be.

  3. I have had a few similar encounters that relate to your topic. Like when I was younger I use to play with my hot wheels, power rangers and other boy action figures with my boy cousins and my girl cousins use to always want to play with us and our toys but we always told them no because girls aren't suppose to play with boy toys.

  4. I was lucky when I greww up because I had a boy cousin who was a couple years younger than me and he loved playing power rangers or pochantas. He would always insist that he get to be pochantas or Kimberly the pink power ranger. I think we found his intensity to play certain characters funny but it didn't matter their original gender. I know now how uncommon this really was, maybe soon it will be common in eery household as it was mine.

  5. I agree with what your image/post is saying. When I was younger and used to play with barbies, it was always Ken and Barbie, never Barbie and another Barbie. Now that I know what's going on and am not being a sheltered child, I know that there are many same sex couples.

  6. When I was younger I used to do the same thing! We would play dress up, wedding, house and when my cousins were there they would play too. My boy cousin alwasy had to play the male role. Us as girls never played a boy or like you mentioned in your blog played girl marrying girl. Back when I was younger I don't think I even thought about same sex marriage because at that time it wasnt something commonly seen in society or a big issue.
